Briefing 6: 2 Oct 1943 - S Italy

Lt Edge is with forward elements of the Company on the tail of retreating German units. As he moves into position on a hill overlooking the river crossings he can see the crossings below & the castle above. Radioing in a report the Colonel comes on-
“Throw everything you’ve got across the river Lieutenant. Capture the bridges & the damn castle. Don’t let them consolidate. I’ll send everything I’ve got to support you. Secure the bridges. Push on ! On !"
Lt Edge- You are in a recon jeep with 2 men from your platoon. A second jeep is in support with 2 more men. You have shadowed unobserved the retreating Germans who are even now crossing the river into the town. You have driven to a position alongside a church which offers you a view of the bridges and the town beyond. Dominating the valley is the castle which sits high atop a cliff which drops vertically down to the river.
The rest of the company is coming up.